Bethlehem Mounted Patrol - Then and Now

The Bethlehem Police Department’s Mounted Patrol Unit was restored to downtown Bethlehem in 2009 after more than a six-decade hiatus. The long-absent clip-clop of horses’ hooves echoes back to an early Bethlehem tradition, but represents a contemporary solution to present-day police work in a lively city.
Along with their commitment to protect and serve, the Mounted Unit provides unique services to the community.
Community Outreach.
Officer and mount act as goodwill ambassadors to the city. Adults and children alike are delighted by the presence of a horse in the parks and on the city streets. For some, it’s a first-time encounter with law enforcement officer, a horse, or both. Mounted officers play an integral part in the protection of the city’s visitors and residents.
Mobility and Visibility.
Horses are effective in negotiating woodlands, parks, and community events. Since the city has a significant amount of natural topography, the Mounted Unit more effectively patrols the nature trail, towpath, Monocacy and Saucon parks and the South Bethlehem Greenway. Thanks to an elevated vantage point, mounted officers can see and be seen at a greater distance.
Frequent visits to area schools and local events not only delight our young citizens, but provide a natural forum for education about law enforcement, equines in law enforcement and officers in their role as public servants.