Get Involved
Are you interested lending a hand? Do you love horses? Are you interested in supporting your community?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, the Bethlehem Police Mounted Patrol Unit is always looking for interested citizens willing to help us as Associate Volunteers. Be it assisting us at events with merchandise sales, helping with barn/ground maintenance, serving on a variety of committees, joining us in parades, or assisting at annual events, we appreciate any volunteer time you may be willing to give!
Opportunities for volunteers with an interest in direct interaction with the horses (feeding and mucking stalls) become available for Associate Volunteers who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to mounted patrol activities. For an Active Volunteer, prior horse experience is extremely helpful but not required. If you or anyone you know might be interested in volunteering, please fill out the Volunteer Form . Send the form with all stated required documents via email to mpatrol@bethlehem-pa.gov or via mail to Mounted Patrol Unit, 615 East Langhorne Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18017.
PLEASE NOTE: Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age.